
GET api/AccountProfileImage?accountId={accountId}


GET Api/Accounts/wallet?contactId={contactId}

Gets appopriate accounts for creating a new wallet

GET Api/Accounts/ByStatus?status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]}

GET api/Accounts

GET api/Accounts/{id}

Retrieve Account by Account Id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and account record is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Accounts?partialName={partialName}&take={take}&skip={skip}&retrieveFullAccount={retrieveFullAccount}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}&ignoreStatus={ignoreStatus}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Accounts?fieldName={fieldName}

Retrieve available option set values for the specified field on the account
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - option set value found for accounts and are in the body of the response.
404/StatusCodes Not Found - no option set value found for accounts.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Accounts?domainName={domainName}

Retrieve Account by domain name.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and account record is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Accounts?name={name}&usePaging={usePaging}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Accounts?statuscode={statuscode}

Retrieves Accounts by status
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified status.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Accounts/{id}

Update Account information.
Properties that are null, or are not passed in are ignored.
Properties that are an empty string will clear the field in CRM.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Account updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Activities

No documentation available.

GET api/Activities/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/Activities

No documentation available.

PUT api/Activities/{id}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/Activities/{id}

No documentation available.


GET api/Address?parentId={parentId}


GET api/AdminAuth?cid={cid}&key={key}

Checks possibility to login as Contact by contactId. ONLY FOR internal use by HRCI staff.
Possible Service Responses:
204/NoContent - access is allowed.
403/Forbidden - access is denied.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Affiliations?appId={appId}

GET api/Affiliations

PUT api/Affiliations?appId={appId}


GET api/AMSPreference?name={name}

GET api/AMSPreference?name={name}&defaultValue={defaultValue}


POST api/Annotation?entityName={entityName}&entityId={entityId}

Creates new annotatioin with attached file

POST api/Annotation?entityName={entityName}&entityId={entityId}&subject={subject}

Creates new annotatioin with attached file and subject

GET api/Annotation?experienceId={experienceId}

Retrieve array of annotations for a specific experience record

DELETE api/Annotation/{id}


GET api/Application?portalId={portalId}&statusList={statusList}

Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of participation records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Roles Not Found - no roles found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Application?portalId={portalId}

No documentation available.

GET api/Application/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Application?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId}

No documentation available.

POST api/Application?programId={programId}&contactId={contactId}

PUT api/Application/{id}

No documentation available.

PUT api/Application/{id}?fieldName={fieldName}&value={value}

No documentation available.

PUT api/Application/{id}?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}

No documentation available.


GET api/ApplicationTokens?portalId={portalId}

Retrieves a list of Application Tokensassociated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of application token records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Application Token Not Found - no application tokens found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ApplicationTokens?portalId={portalId}&active={active}

Retrieves a list of Application Tokensassociated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of application token records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Application Token Not Found - no application tokens found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/AttendeeGuests?eventId={eventId}

GET api/AttendeeGuests?eventId={eventId}&eventAttendeeId={eventAttendeeId}


GET api/AzureB2C?contactId={contactId}

No documentation available.

POST api/AzureB2C/{Id}

No documentation available.


GET api/Badges?contactId={contactId}&checkIfExist={checkIfExist}

GET api/Badges?contactId={contactId}


GET api/BusinessCategories?accountId={accountId}

Retrieves a list of Business Categories associated with the account with the specified id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and business category records are in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no match found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/CertificationPrograms?contactId={contactId}

GET api/CertificationPrograms?contactId={contactId}&programId={programId}

GET api/CertificationPrograms?contactId={contactId}&webProductId={webProductId}&ccp={ccp}&ignoreActiveStatus={ignoreActiveStatus}


GET api/ChangedAccounts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}

Retrieve Accounts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts modified on or after the specified date.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ChangedAccounts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip}

Retrieve Accounts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts modified on or after the specified date.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/ChangedContacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}

Retrieve Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of contact records are in the body of the response.
404/Contacts Not Found - no contacts modified on or after the specified date.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ChangedContacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip}

Retrieve Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of contact records are in the body of the response.
404/Contacts Not Found - no contacts modified on or after the specified date.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


PUT api/ConnectionString?orgName={orgName}


GET api/ContactCheckout?portalId={portalId}


GET api/ContactProfileImage?contactId={contactId}


GET api/ContactRoles?portalId={portalId}

Retrieve a list of available events.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of the available events is returned in the body of the response.
404/Events Not Found - no available events found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ContactRoles/{id}?role={role}

Retrieve Event Information By Event Id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a match found and the event is returned in the body of the response.
404/Event Not Found - no event found matching the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


Services to access and maintain contact data

GET api/Contacts?email={email}

Retrieve Contact based on the specified email.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
400/Email Required - there was no email specifed in the request.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified email address.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}

Retrieve a list of Contacts based on the specified search query.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact list is in the body of the response.
400/Search Query Required - there was no search query specifed in the request.
404/Contacts Not Found - no matches found for the search query.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&accountId={accountId}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}

Retrieve a list of Contacts based on the specified search query.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact list is in the body of the response.
400/Search Query Required - there was no search query specifed in the request.
404/Contacts Not Found - no matches found for the search query.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?memberId={memberId}

Retrieve Contact based on the specified member id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified member id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&state={state}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}

Retrieve Contact based on the specified first name, last name and state.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified member id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?portalId={portalId}

Retrieve Contact based on the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified username.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?accountId={accountId}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}

Retrieve Contacts with the specified parent account id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact records are in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified parent account id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts/{id}

Retrieve Contact based on the specified id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?username={username}&password={password}

Retrieve Contact based on specified username and password.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and contact record is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified username.
404/Password Mismatch - specified password does not match.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Contacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip}

Retrieves Paged List of Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of contact records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no contact found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Contacts

Create New Contact Record
Contact Username is required to save a Password for the contact.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - contact created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&email={email}&syncPortalIdToEmail={syncPortalIdToEmail}

Create New Contact Record
Contact Username is required to save a Password for the contact.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - contact created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress}

Create New Contact Record
Contact Username is required to save a Password for the contact.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - contact created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Contacts?email={email}&firstName={firstName}&middleName={middleName}&lastName={lastName}&country={country}&org={org}&portalId={portalId}

No documentation available.

POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress}&title={title}&license={license}&accountId={accountId}

Create New Contact Record
Contact Username is required to save a Password for the contact.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - contact created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress}&positionId={positionId}&accountId={accountId}

Create New Contact Record
Contact Username is required to save a Password for the contact.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - contact created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts/{id}

Update Contact Information.
Roles cannot be udpated through with this method.
Contact properties that are null, or are not passed in are ignored.
Contact properties that are an empty string will clear the field in CRM.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - contact updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts?email={email}&active={active}

Update Contact Status.
Roles cannot be udpated through with this method.
Contact properties that are null, or are not passed in are ignored.
Contact properties that are an empty string will clear the field in CRM.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - contact updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts/{id}?username={username}&password={password}

Update the contact username and password information.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Contact updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
400/Required Field Missing - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts/{id}?emergencycontactname={emergencycontactname}&emergencycontactphone={emergencycontactphone}&dietaryrestrictions={dietaryrestrictions}

Update the contact emergency contact information.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Contact updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts?portalId={portalId}&portalPositionId={portalPositionId}

Update the portal position for a contact.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Contact updated successfully.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified portal id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts/{id}?prefix={prefix}&suffix={suffix}&orgId={orgId}&birthDate={birthDate}&education={education}&degreeEarneDate={degreeEarneDate}&degreeSpecialty={degreeSpecialty}&studentStatus={studentStatus}&city={city}&streetAddress={streetAddress}&streetAddress2={streetAddress2}&postalCode={postalCode}&countryId={countryId}&stateProvinceId={stateProvinceId}&hrciProvince={hrciProvince}

PUT api/Contacts/{id}?Phone={Phone}&Mail={Mail}&MarketingEmails={MarketingEmails}&SmsMessaging={SmsMessaging}&HrciNews={HrciNews}&HrciAlert={HrciAlert}

Update Contact Preferences Information.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - contact updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/Contacts/{id}?email={email}&a0={a0}

Update Contact Email in CRM and in Auth0. Possible Service Responses:
204/NoContent - contact updated successfully.
404/Contact Not Found - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

DELETE api/Contacts/{id}

Delete Contact Record with the specified Id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - contact deleted successfully.
404/NOT FOUND - no contact found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Country


GET api/Coupon?couponcode={couponcode}&portalId={portalId}

GET api/Coupon?portalId={portalId}


POST Api/Entity/ByFetch?primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute}&id={id}

Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity/{id}?entityName={entityName}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity/{id}?fetchXML={fetchXML}&primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute}

Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity/{id}?fetchXML={fetchXML}&primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute}&retrieveMultiple={retrieveMultiple}

Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?fetchXML={fetchXML}

Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&entityAttribute={entityAttribute}&name={name}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&entityAttribute={entityAttribute}&name={name}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&name={name}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&name={name}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of account records are in the body of the response.
404/Accounts Not Found - no accounts found matching specified name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}&viewId={viewId}&queryText={queryText}

Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText.
The results of the search are returned as option set values where the 200/OK - match found and the list of option set records is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no market served found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}&viewId={viewId}&queryText={queryText}&page={page}&size={size}

Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText.
The results of the search are returned as option set values where the 200/OK - match found and the list of option set records is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no market served found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}

Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText.
The results of the search are returned as option set values where the 200/OK - match found and the list of option set records is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no market served found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&relationshipName={relationshipName}&viewId={viewId}&entityId={entityId}

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&relationshipName={relationshipName}&viewId={viewId}&entityId={entityId}&page={page}&size={size}

Returns a paged list of view results.

GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}

PUT api/Entity

Update Fields on specified entity

PUT api/Entity?viewId={viewId}

PUT api/Entity?viewId={viewId}&page={page}&size={size}

Returns a paged list of search results.

POST api/Entity


GET api/EventProfile?portalId={portalId}


GET api/EventRegistration?contactId={contactId}&eventId={eventId}

Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified contact id and event id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and event registration record is in the body of the response.
404/Event Registration Not Found - no match found for the specified contact id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/EventRegistration?contactId={contactId}

Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified contact id and event id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and event registration record is in the body of the response.
404/Event Registration Not Found - no match found for the specified contact id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/EventRegistration/{id}

Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and event registration record is in the body of the response.
404/Event Registration Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/EventRegistration

Create a new Event Registration record
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - Event Registration created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/EventRegistration/{id}

CheckIn a Event Registration record
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and event registration was updated.
404/Event Registration Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/EventRegistrationGuest/info?eventId={eventId}


GET api/Events

Retrieve a list of available events.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of the available events is returned in the body of the response.
404/Events Not Found - no available events found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Events/{id}

Retrieve Event Information By Event Id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a match found and the event is returned in the body of the response.
404/Event Not Found - no event found matching the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Experience?contactId={contactId}&programId={programId}&applicationId={applicationId}

POST api/Experience?contactId={contactId}&programId={programId}&applicationId={applicationId}

PUT api/Experience/{id}

DELETE api/Experience/{id}


GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetEvents/{event_key}/{last_modified_datetime}

No documentation available.

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetEvents/{last_modified_datetime}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTickets/{event_key}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByRegTypeCode/{event_key}/{reg_type_code}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByRegKey/{event_key}/{reg_type_code}?reg_key={reg_key}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByBadgeNumber/{event_key}/{badge_number}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByLastName/{event_key}/{last_name}?logical_operator={logical_operator}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByLastNameByFirstName/{event_key}/{last_name}/{first_name}?logical_operator={logical_operator}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByLastNameByCompanyName/{event_key}/{last_name}/{company_name}?logical_operator={logical_operator}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByLastNameByFirstNameByCompanyName/{event_key}/{last_name}/{first_name}/{company_name}?logical_operator={logical_operator}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/GetBadgesAndTicketsByEventKeyByFirstNameByCompanyName/{event_key}/{logical_operator}/{first_name}/{company_name}

GET Api/ExpoLogicBadge/SetPrintInfo/{event_key}/{reg_key}/{last_printed_on}/{printed_cnt}


GET api/HigherLogicActivity?requestUrl={requestUrl}

No documentation available.

POST api/HigherLogicActivity

Create Higher Logic Activities


POST api/Informz


GET api/Invoice?invoiceId={invoiceId}

POST api/Invoice


GET api/LearningBuilder?contactId={contactId}&checkIfExist={checkIfExist}

GET api/LearningBuilder?contactId={contactId}


GET api/MarketServed?accountId={accountId}

Retrieves a list of Market Served entities associated with the account with the specified id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of market served records is in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no market served found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


POST api/OnSiteEventRegistration


GET api/OptionSetValues?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}

Returns the options set values available for the specified attrbute of the entity.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Option Set values found and returned in the body of the response.
404/Option Sets Not Found - no option set found for the specified entity and attribute.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/OptionSetValues?optionSetName={optionSetName}

Returns global option set Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Option Set values found and returned in the body of the response.
404/Option Sets Not Found - no option set found for the specified entity and attribute.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}

Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of participation records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Roles Not Found - no roles found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&fromCache={fromCache}

Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of participation records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Roles Not Found - no roles found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode}

Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of participation records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Roles Not Found - no roles found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode}&programCategory={programCategory}

Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the list of participation records is in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Roles Not Found - no roles found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode}&programCategory={programCategory}&fromCache={fromCache}


POST api/Payments/InvoicePay

POST api/Payments


GET api/Position?portalId={portalId}&selected={selected}

Retrieve Postions based on the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and participation records are in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Positons Not Found - no match found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Position?portalId={portalId}

Retrieve Postions based on the specified portal id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and participation records are in the body of the response.
404/Contact Not Found - no match found for the specified portal id.
404/Positons Not Found - no match found for the specified contact.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/Position?contactId={contactId}&accountId={accountId}&positionTitleId={positionTitleId}

Create New Position Record
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - position created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Programs?type={type}

Retrieves all Programs in the system of a specified type
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of roles record is in the body of the response.
404/Roles Not Found - no match found for the specified role type.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Programs/{id}


GET api/RateTermStructure?programId={programId}


GET api/Receipts/{id}


POST api/SessionRegistrations

Create a new Session Registration record
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - Session Registration created successfully and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/SessionRegistrations?eventId={eventId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}

Retrieves all Session Registrations for the specified event and attendee
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of session registrations are in the body of the response.
404/Session Registration Not Found - no session registrations for specified criteria.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/SessionRegistrations?sessionId={sessionId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}

Retrieves all Session Registrations for the specified event and attendee
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of session registrations are in the body of the response.
404/Session Registration Not Found - no session registrations for specified criteria.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/Sessions/{id}

Retrieve session by Id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - returns a stirng specifying blocking sessions.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Sessions?eventWebProductId={eventWebProductId}&webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&selectedSessions={selectedSessions}&contactId={contactId}

Validates theat teh specified contact specified dooes not already have a blocking session registration or cart item
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - returns a stirng specifying blocking sessions.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/Sessions?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&contactId={contactId}&selectedSessions={selectedSessions}

Retrieves all sessions required in order to register for the specified session.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of required session are in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/ShoppingCart?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}

Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and shopping cart record is in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCart/{id}

Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and shopping cart record is in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCart?invoiceId={invoiceId}

Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified invoice id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and shopping cart record is in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCart?portalId={portalId}

Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and shopping cart record is in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no match found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCart

PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?invoiceContactId={invoiceContactId}

Update the invoice contact.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Shopping Cart updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no shopping cart found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?invoiceAccountId={invoiceAccountId}

Update the invoice account.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Shopping Cart updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no shopping cart found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCart/{id}?processId={processId}

Update the invoice account.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Shopping Cart updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no shopping cart found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?paymentAuthorizationNumber={paymentAuthorizationNumber}

Update the payment authorization.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - Shopping Cart updated successfully and returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no shopping cart found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

DELETE api/ShoppingCart/{id}

Delete Shopping Cart with the specified Id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - shopping cart deleted successfully.
404/Shopping Cart Not Found - no shopping cart item found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&portalId={portalId}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&address1={address1}&address2={address2}&city={city}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode}&country={country}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&address1={address1}&address2={address2}&city={city}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode}&country={country}&shippingOption={shippingOption}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&sessionAttendeeId={sessionAttendeeId}&webProductId={webProductId}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID and Session Attendee ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&eventAttendeeId={eventAttendeeId}&webProductId={webProductId}

Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID and Event Attendee ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - a list of active shopping cart items are returned in the body of the response.
404/Shopping Cart Items Not Found - no available shopping cart items found.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&donationFrequency={donationFrequency}&overridePrice={overridePrice}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&donationFrequency={donationFrequency}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&overrideName={overrideName}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&quantity={quantity}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&quantity={quantity}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId}&positionId={positionId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId}&positionId={positionId}&sponsorId={sponsorId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&eventId={eventId}&eventRegistrationId={eventRegistrationId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&hasAnswers={hasAnswers}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&eventPricingId={eventPricingId}&hasAnswers={hasAnswers}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
406/NotAcceptable - shopping cart item not created due too product unavailability.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&positionId={positionId}&sponsorId={sponsorId}

Create New Event Shopping Cart Item if one does not exist.
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
302/Found - event registration already exists.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&guestFirstName={guestFirstName}&guestLastName={guestLastName}

Create New Guest Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&specialRequest={specialRequest}

Create New Shopping Cart Item w/ Special Request
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&selectedOption={selectedOption}&quantity={quantity}

Create New Shopping Cart Item w/ Special Instructions and/or Selected Option
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&parentWebProductId={parentWebProductId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?invoiceId={invoiceId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?invoiceId={invoiceId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling}&overridePrice={overridePrice}

Create New Shopping Cart Item
Possible Service Responses:
201/Created - shopping cart item created and returned in the body of the response.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartItemId={shoppingCartItemId}&quantity={quantity}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/ShoppingCartItems/{id}

Delete Shopping Cart Item with the specified Id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - shopping cart item deleted successfully.
404/Shopping Cart Item Not Found - no shopping cart item found for the specified id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/StateProvinces

GET api/StateProvinces?countryId={countryId}


GET api/States


GET api/Test

No documentation available.

GET api/Test/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/Test

No documentation available.

PUT api/Test/{id}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/Test/{id}

No documentation available.


GET api/Wallets?contactId={contactId}

GET api/Wallets/{id}?contactId={contactId}

POST api/Wallets

PUT api/Wallets/{id}

DELETE api/Wallets/{id}?contactId={contactId}


GET api/WebCategories?portalId={portalId}

Retrieves all active Web Categories determined by user authentication status
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web category records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Categories Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebCategories

Retrieves all active Web Categories
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web category records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Categories Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebCategories?categoryId={categoryId}

Retrieves category with the specified category id
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found web category record is in the body of the response.
404/Web Category Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebCategories?parentCategoryId={parentCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}

Retrieve active Web Category, including child categories, determined by user authentication status
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web category records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Categories Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/WebForm

Returs the web form for the specified web form name.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found returns form xml as a string.
404/Web Form Not Found - no match found for the specified web form name.
404/System Form Not Found - no system form found for the specified web form name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebForm?name={name}

Returs the web form for the specified web form name.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found returns form xml as a string.
404/Web Form Not Found - no match found for the specified web form name.
404/System Form Not Found - no system form found for the specified web form name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

PUT api/WebForm?webformId={webformId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}


GET api/WebFormActions

GET api/WebFormActions?webFormId={webFormId}


GET api/WebFormElementExtension?webFormId={webFormId}

Returs the web form for the specified web form name.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found returns form xml as a string.
404/Web Form Not Found - no match found for the specified web form name.
404/System Form Not Found - no system form found for the specified web form name.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/WebProductPrices?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId}

GET api/WebProductPrices?webProductId={webProductId}&priceListName={priceListName}


GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&portalId={portalId}

Retrieves active Web Product using specified Web Product ID and Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?contactId={contactId}&webProductId={webProductId}&processId={processId}

Retrieves active Web Product using specified Web Product ID and Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?programId={programId}&portalId={portalId}&includeBaseProduct={includeBaseProduct}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?participationId={participationId}&portalId={portalId}&programId={programId}&skipParticipationProduct={skipParticipationProduct}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?programId={programId}&memberPortalId={memberPortalId}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?portalId={portalId}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products by Portal ID
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}&filter={filter}&filtervalue={filtervalue}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId}&groups={groups}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?eventWebProductId={eventWebProductId}&contactId={contactId}

Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by user authentication status
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

GET api/WebProducts?categoryId={categoryId}&searchQuery={searchQuery}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}

Retrieves all active Web Products determined by user authentication status
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and list of web product records are in the body of the response.
404/Web Products Not Found - no match found
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.

POST api/WebProducts


GET api/WebSuiteCategory?name={name}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}&portalId={portalId}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}&portalId={portalId}&useCustomPricing={useCustomPricing}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}&page={page}&size={size}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?contactId={contactId}&programId={programId}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}&portalId={portalId}&useCustomPricing={useCustomPricing}&filterBySubscription={filterBySubscription}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId}&portalId={portalId}&programId={programId}&skipProgram={skipProgram}

GET api/WebSuiteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}&contactId={contactId}


GET api/WebSuiteProfile?portalId={portalId}


PUT api/Workflows?workFlowName={workFlowName}

Execute the specified workflow against the specified enitity
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - workflow process started against the specified entity.
404/Workflow Not Found - no workflow found for the specified id.
404/Entity Not Found - no entity found for the specified entity name and entity id.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.


GET api/WorkPerformed?accountId={accountId}

Retrieves a list of Work Performed entities associated the specified account.
Possible Service Responses:
200/OK - match found and the work performed records are in the body of the response.
404/Account Not Found - no match found for the specified account id.
404/Business Category Not Found - no work performed found for the specified account.
500/Internal Server - unexpected server error, details in the body of the response.