API | Description |
GET api/AccountProfileImage?accountId={accountId} |
API | Description |
GET Api/Accounts/wallet?contactId={contactId} |
Gets appopriate accounts for creating a new wallet |
GET Api/Accounts/ByStatus?status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]} | |
GET api/Accounts | |
GET api/Accounts/{id} |
Retrieve Account by Account Id |
GET api/Accounts?partialName={partialName}&take={take}&skip={skip}&retrieveFullAccount={retrieveFullAccount}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations}&ignoreStatus={ignoreStatus} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Accounts?fieldName={fieldName} |
Retrieve available option set values for the specified field on the account |
GET api/Accounts?domainName={domainName} |
Retrieve Account by domain name. |
GET api/Accounts?name={name}&usePaging={usePaging} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Accounts?statuscode={statuscode} |
Retrieves Accounts by status |
PUT api/Accounts/{id} |
Update Account information. |
API | Description |
GET api/Activities |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Activities/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Activities |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/Activities/{id} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/Activities/{id} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Address?parentId={parentId} |
API | Description |
GET api/AdminAuth?cid={cid}&key={key} |
Checks possibility to login as Contact by contactId. ONLY FOR internal use by HRCI staff. |
API | Description |
GET api/Affiliations?appId={appId} | |
GET api/Affiliations | |
PUT api/Affiliations?appId={appId} |
API | Description |
GET api/AMSPreference?name={name} | |
GET api/AMSPreference?name={name}&defaultValue={defaultValue} |
API | Description |
POST api/Annotation?entityName={entityName}&entityId={entityId} |
Creates new annotatioin with attached file |
POST api/Annotation?entityName={entityName}&entityId={entityId}&subject={subject} |
Creates new annotatioin with attached file and subject |
GET api/Annotation?experienceId={experienceId} |
Retrieve array of annotations for a specific experience record |
DELETE api/Annotation/{id} |
API | Description |
GET api/Application?portalId={portalId}&statusList={statusList} |
Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/Application?portalId={portalId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Application/{id} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Application?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Application?programId={programId}&contactId={contactId} | |
PUT api/Application/{id} |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/Application/{id}?fieldName={fieldName}&value={value} |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/Application/{id}?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/ApplicationTokens?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves a list of Application Tokensassociated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/ApplicationTokens?portalId={portalId}&active={active} |
Retrieves a list of Application Tokensassociated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
API | Description |
GET api/AttendeeGuests?eventId={eventId} | |
GET api/AttendeeGuests?eventId={eventId}&eventAttendeeId={eventAttendeeId} |
API | Description |
GET api/AzureB2C?contactId={contactId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/AzureB2C/{Id} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Badges?contactId={contactId}&checkIfExist={checkIfExist} | |
GET api/Badges?contactId={contactId} |
API | Description |
GET api/BusinessCategories?accountId={accountId} |
Retrieves a list of Business Categories associated with the account with the specified id. |
API | Description |
GET api/ChangedAccounts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate} |
Retrieve Accounts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date. |
GET api/ChangedAccounts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip} |
Retrieve Accounts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date. |
API | Description |
GET api/ChangedContacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate} |
Retrieve Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date. |
GET api/ChangedContacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip} |
Retrieve Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date. |
API | Description |
PUT api/ConnectionString?orgName={orgName} |
API | Description |
GET api/ContactCheckout?portalId={portalId} |
API | Description |
GET api/ContactProfileImage?contactId={contactId} |
API | Description |
GET api/ContactRoles?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve a list of available events. |
POST api/ContactRoles/{id}?role={role} |
Retrieve Event Information By Event Id. |
Services to access and maintain contact data
API | Description |
GET api/Contacts?email={email} |
Retrieve Contact based on the specified email. |
GET api/Contacts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations} |
Retrieve a list of Contacts based on the specified search query. |
GET api/Contacts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&accountId={accountId}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations} |
Retrieve a list of Contacts based on the specified search query. |
GET api/Contacts?memberId={memberId} |
Retrieve Contact based on the specified member id. |
GET api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&state={state}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations} |
Retrieve Contact based on the specified first name, last name and state. |
GET api/Contacts?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve Contact based on the specified portal id. |
GET api/Contacts?accountId={accountId}&retrieveParticipations={retrieveParticipations} |
Retrieve Contacts with the specified parent account id. |
GET api/Contacts/{id} |
Retrieve Contact based on the specified id. |
GET api/Contacts?username={username}&password={password} |
Retrieve Contact based on specified username and password. |
GET api/Contacts?modifiedDate={modifiedDate}&take={take}&skip={skip} |
Retrieves Paged List of Contacts with a modified date on or after the specified modified date. |
POST api/Contacts |
Create New Contact Record |
POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&email={email}&syncPortalIdToEmail={syncPortalIdToEmail} |
Create New Contact Record |
POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress} |
Create New Contact Record |
POST api/Contacts?email={email}&firstName={firstName}&middleName={middleName}&lastName={lastName}&country={country}&org={org}&portalId={portalId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress}&title={title}&license={license}&accountId={accountId} |
Create New Contact Record |
POST api/Contacts?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&emailAddress={emailAddress}&positionId={positionId}&accountId={accountId} |
Create New Contact Record |
PUT api/Contacts/{id} |
Update Contact Information. |
PUT api/Contacts?email={email}&active={active} |
Update Contact Status. |
PUT api/Contacts/{id}?username={username}&password={password} |
Update the contact username and password information. |
PUT api/Contacts/{id}?emergencycontactname={emergencycontactname}&emergencycontactphone={emergencycontactphone}&dietaryrestrictions={dietaryrestrictions} |
Update the contact emergency contact information. |
PUT api/Contacts?portalId={portalId}&portalPositionId={portalPositionId} |
Update the portal position for a contact. |
PUT api/Contacts/{id}?prefix={prefix}&suffix={suffix}&orgId={orgId}&birthDate={birthDate}&education={education}°reeEarneDate={degreeEarneDate}°reeSpecialty={degreeSpecialty}&studentStatus={studentStatus}&city={city}&streetAddress={streetAddress}&streetAddress2={streetAddress2}&postalCode={postalCode}&countryId={countryId}&stateProvinceId={stateProvinceId}&hrciProvince={hrciProvince} | |
PUT api/Contacts/{id}?Phone={Phone}&Mail={Mail}&MarketingEmails={MarketingEmails}&SmsMessaging={SmsMessaging}&HrciNews={HrciNews}&HrciAlert={HrciAlert} |
Update Contact Preferences Information. |
PUT api/Contacts/{id}?email={email}&a0={a0} |
Update Contact Email in CRM and in Auth0.
Possible Service Responses: |
DELETE api/Contacts/{id} |
Delete Contact Record with the specified Id |
API | Description |
GET api/Country |
API | Description |
GET api/Coupon?couponcode={couponcode}&portalId={portalId} | |
GET api/Coupon?portalId={portalId} |
API | Description |
POST Api/Entity/ByFetch?primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute}&id={id} |
Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and id |
GET api/Entity/{id}?entityName={entityName} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Entity/{id}?fetchXML={fetchXML}&primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute} |
Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide |
GET api/Entity/{id}?fetchXML={fetchXML}&primaryAttribute={primaryAttribute}&retrieveMultiple={retrieveMultiple} |
Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide |
GET api/Entity?fetchXML={fetchXML} |
Retrieves Entity based on fetch xml primmary attribute and ide |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&entityAttribute={entityAttribute}&name={name} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&entityAttribute={entityAttribute}&name={name}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&name={name} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&name={name}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves Paged List of Accounts starting with the Partial Name |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}&viewId={viewId}&queryText={queryText} |
Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText. |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute}&viewId={viewId}&queryText={queryText}&page={page}&size={size} |
Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText. |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName} |
Returns the a collection of entities defined by the specified entityName, attribute, view id and queryText. |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&relationshipName={relationshipName}&viewId={viewId}&entityId={entityId} | |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&relationshipName={relationshipName}&viewId={viewId}&entityId={entityId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Returns a paged list of view results. |
GET api/Entity?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute} | |
PUT api/Entity |
Update Fields on specified entity |
PUT api/Entity?viewId={viewId} | |
PUT api/Entity?viewId={viewId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Returns a paged list of search results. |
POST api/Entity |
API | Description |
GET api/EventProfile?portalId={portalId} |
API | Description |
GET api/EventRegistration?contactId={contactId}&eventId={eventId} |
Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified contact id and event id. |
GET api/EventRegistration?contactId={contactId} |
Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified contact id and event id. |
GET api/EventRegistration/{id} |
Retrieve Event Registration based on the specified id. |
POST api/EventRegistration |
Create a new Event Registration record |
POST api/EventRegistration/{id} |
CheckIn a Event Registration record |
API | Description |
GET api/EventRegistrationGuest/info?eventId={eventId} |
API | Description |
GET api/Events |
Retrieve a list of available events. |
GET api/Events/{id} |
Retrieve Event Information By Event Id. |
API | Description |
GET api/HigherLogicActivity?requestUrl={requestUrl} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/HigherLogicActivity |
Create Higher Logic Activities |
API | Description |
POST api/Informz |
API | Description |
GET api/Invoice?invoiceId={invoiceId} | |
POST api/Invoice |
API | Description |
GET api/LearningBuilder?contactId={contactId}&checkIfExist={checkIfExist} | |
GET api/LearningBuilder?contactId={contactId} |
API | Description |
GET api/MarketServed?accountId={accountId} |
Retrieves a list of Market Served entities associated with the account with the specified id. |
API | Description |
POST api/OnSiteEventRegistration |
API | Description |
GET api/OptionSetValues?entityName={entityName}&attribute={attribute} |
Returns the options set values available for the specified attrbute of the entity. |
GET api/OptionSetValues?optionSetName={optionSetName} |
Returns global option set
Possible Service Responses: |
API | Description |
GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&fromCache={fromCache} |
Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode} |
Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode}&programCategory={programCategory} |
Retrieves a list of Participation associated with the contact with the specified portal id. |
GET api/Participations?portalId={portalId}&statusCode={statusCode}&programCategory={programCategory}&fromCache={fromCache} |
API | Description |
POST api/Payments/InvoicePay | |
POST api/Payments |
API | Description |
GET api/Position?portalId={portalId}&selected={selected} |
Retrieve Postions based on the specified portal id. |
GET api/Position?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve Postions based on the specified portal id. |
POST api/Position?contactId={contactId}&accountId={accountId}&positionTitleId={positionTitleId} |
Create New Position Record |
API | Description |
GET api/Programs?type={type} |
Retrieves all Programs in the system of a specified type |
GET api/Programs/{id} |
API | Description |
GET api/RateTermStructure?programId={programId} |
API | Description |
GET api/Receipts/{id} |
API | Description |
POST api/SessionRegistrations |
Create a new Session Registration record |
GET api/SessionRegistrations?eventId={eventId}&attendeeId={attendeeId} |
Retrieves all Session Registrations for the specified event and attendee |
GET api/SessionRegistrations?sessionId={sessionId}&attendeeId={attendeeId} |
Retrieves all Session Registrations for the specified event and attendee |
API | Description |
GET api/Sessions/{id} |
Retrieve session by Id. |
GET api/Sessions?eventWebProductId={eventWebProductId}&webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&selectedSessions={selectedSessions}&contactId={contactId} |
Validates theat teh specified contact specified dooes not already have a blocking session registration or cart item |
GET api/Sessions?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&contactId={contactId}&selectedSessions={selectedSessions} |
Retrieves all sessions required in order to register for the specified session. |
API | Description |
GET api/ShoppingCart?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id. |
GET api/ShoppingCart/{id} |
Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id. |
GET api/ShoppingCart?invoiceId={invoiceId} |
Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified invoice id. |
GET api/ShoppingCart?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve Shopping Cart based on the specified contact id. |
POST api/ShoppingCart | |
PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?invoiceContactId={invoiceContactId} |
Update the invoice contact. |
PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?invoiceAccountId={invoiceAccountId} |
Update the invoice account. |
POST api/ShoppingCart/{id}?processId={processId} |
Update the invoice account. |
PUT api/ShoppingCart/{id}?paymentAuthorizationNumber={paymentAuthorizationNumber} |
Update the payment authorization. |
DELETE api/ShoppingCart/{id} |
Delete Shopping Cart with the specified Id |
API | Description |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&address1={address1}&address2={address2}&city={city}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode}&country={country} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&priceListId={priceListId}&address1={address1}&address2={address2}&city={city}&state={state}&zipCode={zipCode}&country={country}&shippingOption={shippingOption} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&sessionAttendeeId={sessionAttendeeId}&webProductId={webProductId} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID and Session Attendee ID. |
GET api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&eventAttendeeId={eventAttendeeId}&webProductId={webProductId} |
Retrieve a list of active shopping cart items by Shopping Cart ID and Event Attendee ID. |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&donationFrequency={donationFrequency}&overridePrice={overridePrice} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&donationFrequency={donationFrequency}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&overrideName={overrideName} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&quantity={quantity} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&quantity={quantity}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId}&positionId={positionId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&mealOptionId={mealOptionId}&positionId={positionId}&sponsorId={sponsorId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&eventId={eventId}&eventRegistrationId={eventRegistrationId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&hasAnswers={hasAnswers} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&overridePrice={overridePrice}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&eventPricingId={eventPricingId}&hasAnswers={hasAnswers} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&positionId={positionId}&sponsorId={sponsorId} |
Create New Event Shopping Cart Item if one does not exist. |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&guestFirstName={guestFirstName}&guestLastName={guestLastName} |
Create New Guest Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&attendeeId={attendeeId}&specialRequest={specialRequest} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item w/ Special Request |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&specialInstructions={specialInstructions}&selectedOption={selectedOption}&quantity={quantity} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item w/ Special Instructions and/or Selected Option |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&parentWebProductId={parentWebProductId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?invoiceId={invoiceId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?invoiceId={invoiceId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
POST api/ShoppingCartItems?webProductId={webProductId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId}&recurringBilling={recurringBilling}&overridePrice={overridePrice} |
Create New Shopping Cart Item |
PUT api/ShoppingCartItems?shoppingCartItemId={shoppingCartItemId}&quantity={quantity} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/ShoppingCartItems/{id} |
Delete Shopping Cart Item with the specified Id |
API | Description |
GET api/StateProvinces | |
GET api/StateProvinces?countryId={countryId} |
API | Description |
GET api/States |
API | Description |
GET api/Test |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Test/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Test |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/Test/{id} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/Test/{id} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Wallets?contactId={contactId} | |
GET api/Wallets/{id}?contactId={contactId} | |
POST api/Wallets | |
PUT api/Wallets/{id} | |
DELETE api/Wallets/{id}?contactId={contactId} |
API | Description |
GET api/WebCategories?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves all active Web Categories determined by user authentication status |
GET api/WebCategories |
Retrieves all active Web Categories |
GET api/WebCategories?categoryId={categoryId} |
Retrieves category with the specified category id |
GET api/WebCategories?parentCategoryId={parentCategoryId}&portalId={portalId} |
Retrieve active Web Category, including child categories, determined by user authentication status |
API | Description |
GET api/WebForm |
Returs the web form for the specified web form name. |
GET api/WebForm?name={name} |
Returs the web form for the specified web form name. |
PUT api/WebForm?webformId={webformId}&shoppingCartId={shoppingCartId} |
API | Description |
GET api/WebFormActions | |
GET api/WebFormActions?webFormId={webFormId} |
API | Description |
GET api/WebFormElementExtension?webFormId={webFormId} |
Returs the web form for the specified web form name. |
API | Description |
GET api/WebProductPrices?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId} | |
GET api/WebProductPrices?webProductId={webProductId}&priceListName={priceListName} |
API | Description |
GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves active Web Product using specified Web Product ID and Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?contactId={contactId}&webProductId={webProductId}&processId={processId} |
Retrieves active Web Product using specified Web Product ID and Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?programId={programId}&portalId={portalId}&includeBaseProduct={includeBaseProduct} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?participationId={participationId}&portalId={portalId}&programId={programId}&skipParticipationProduct={skipParticipationProduct} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?programId={programId}&memberPortalId={memberPortalId} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products by Portal ID |
GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&priceLevelId={priceLevelId} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?webCategoryId={webCategoryId}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size}&filter={filter}&filtervalue={filtervalue} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId}&groups={groups} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?webProductId={webProductId}&contactId={contactId} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?eventWebProductId={eventWebProductId}&contactId={contactId} |
Retrieves a paged set of active Web Products determined Portal ID and Web Category ID. |
GET api/WebProducts?searchQuery={searchQuery}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by user authentication status |
GET api/WebProducts?categoryId={categoryId}&searchQuery={searchQuery}&portalId={portalId}&page={page}&size={size} |
Retrieves all active Web Products determined by user authentication status |
POST api/WebProducts |
API | Description |
GET api/WebSuiteProfile?portalId={portalId} |
API | Description |
PUT api/Workflows?workFlowName={workFlowName} |
Execute the specified workflow against the specified enitity |
API | Description |
GET api/WorkPerformed?accountId={accountId} |
Retrieves a list of Work Performed entities associated the specified account. |